Saturday 29 December 2012


Hey people! so earlier today, i was thinking about what if i had super powers. hahaha wouldn't that be cool! I've always wanted to have psychic powers, or super speed, super strength or even the power to fly! what kind of powers do you guys wanna have? :P 
I've always wanted to have psychic powers because i want to know what people think of me, what they are thinking about when they are around me. that way i'd know if someone hates me or likes me. And like you can also know what the person wants and all, things would be so much easier wouldn't it? :) heehee. also, if someone was down, i'd have a way of cheering them up because i know what their thinking.
If i had super speed, i could travel through time! visit the past or take a look at my future. OMG i can even pass NAPFA with the best timing! teehee>< if i had super speed, i wouldn't have to wake up super early for school man. i could just run to school in less than a minute! i could sleep longer! woots~ too bad i don't having super speed... 
super strength would be fun but its quite dangerous aye. i'd probably break everything i touch:/ hmmm... better not have it. heehee. if i could fly, that'd be god for travelling too! fast and in the air! i'd rather have wings though. Wings are so pretty. especially if they're in black! big and black. how awesome would that be. 
Ohh well. too bad we live in a world where these kind of things don't happen. But i believe that somewhere in this world it exists! call me foolish but i don't care! teehee~ okay this topic is so random i don't even know what i'm talking about! shall end of here. good night people! 

signing off with a peekture of an apple which i bit into a heart! heheheh. my super power! kidding~ ^^

Friday 28 December 2012


Hey there! Does anyone of you believe in fate? Well i do! I think whatever is meant to happen, will happen. If it doesn't, that it just wasn't meant to be.
Some people say that fate is in our own hands. Some people say that we cannot control our fate. Well i think its up to you to choose which to believe in. After all, the choices you make are your destiny.
I think fate has brought my friends and i together. Some stayed, some left and some just entered. We might not be always and forever together, but at least we were once that way. We will still remain friends, and the circle just keeps getting bigger.
Fate can also lead you to that special someone, your soulmate. A mate you will spend the rest of your life with. You might think the one in front of you now is the right one, but who knows? We cannot predict the future. You mever know when he/she might just leave and never come back. When that happens, then i guess you should know that it just wasn't meant to be. Don't be dejected though, cause there will definitely be something better on its way to you.
Fate also happens on things. For example, you go to a store and you see a really nice pair of boots. You cannot get it right away because you don't have the money. Once you've raised enough, you go back to the store only to find out that its sold out and won't be selling anymore. its sad isn't it? So you and that pair of boots just wasn't meant to be. So, save up the money and earn more, so that you can buy a prettier pair and is one of better quality. That way, it'd be worth it and it will stay with you for a longer time.
I think this theory or analogy can be applied to anything. Let fate do its job. Be patient. It will find you. If you're meant to meet, you will. Don't ever regret the choices you've made, because at one point in your life, those choices brought you happiness:)
Note to self: Fate will find a way. No matter how many coins you throw in a fountain or how many fingers you've crossed, if its not meant to happen, it won't happen.

Signing off with a peekture of my favourite beanie from my best friend:))

Thursday 27 December 2012

What does love mean?

Hey guys! So i was just wondering, what on earth love meant to me. Love is just a word until you can prove it to be a feeling. Love is just a word that many people use casually nowadays. Love is just a word with no definition in many eyes.
But no, that is not what love means to me. Those are the understandings of others, most people in fact.
To me, love is when you trust a person enough, to give him/her permission to break your heart, but trusting them that they won't. Love is a feeling that cannot be described with words and can only be felt with the heart. Love is accepting people for who they are, seeing their imperfections as perfections, taking their imperfections as beauty.
When you start to love someone, all you ever think about is that one special person. And when you do, nothing else in this world matters anymore. Everything revolves around him/her, and you'd always want to see that one person.
When you start to love, your world naturally becomes brighter and happier. You'll start smiling to yourself when you receive a text or think about that person. You'll blush when someone mentions about him/her. When you're with that one special person, the awkward silence between you two is more than enough, just knowing that he/she is right beside you. When you're with him/her and you'd randomly get butterflies in your tummy.
Love is such a beautiful thing, a passionate emotion, something that could bring the world happiness. Yet, some people choose not to believe in it because others have destroyed the meaning of love.
Love is a wonderful thing. I can't explain how it feels like to be in love. I guess you'll just have to feel it for yourself. But honestly, its one of the best feelings you can ever find in the world.

Note to self: One day someone will walk into your life, then you'll realize love was always worth waiting for.

Signing off with a peekture of the night view from MBS! Pretty, isn't it?:)

Wednesday 26 December 2012

What does society want?

Hey guys. So recently, I've been thinking a lot about the society. Our society will never be satisfied. In fact, us humans, will never be satisfied. For example, if you are skinny, people think you're anorexic. If you're chubby, people think you're obese. If you're a virgin, you're too good, if you're a non-virgin, you're a slut. If you are friendly, you're fake, and if you're quiet, you're rude or anti-social. So what exactly does our society want from us? 
We probably live each day trying to satisfy someone. And if you fail at that, you will perhaps be left out of the group. So to avoid being cast out, we try our very best. Our very best to be someone unreal, try to be perfect, try to be someone who is not what we are. We fake our character and our personality, just so we can fit in. But hey, have you ever thought about what satisfies YOU? What makes you happy? Does being someone unreal make you happy? 
To be with people who only likes the perfect you, its not worth it at all. I'd rather you be yourself, and attract those who like you for who you are. I think that is where you belong. That is where you will truly fit in and be happy. Where you don't even have to try and you can satisfy everyone. These people can bring out the best in you and show others how capable you are. 
That aside, nowadays, society also go for what's on the outside. A pretty face with an ugly heart is beautiful. An average face with a beautiful heart is ugly. Just one look at you, you are already labelled as beautiful or ugly, just based on your looks. They don't even give you a chance to prove yourself. This is what our society has turned into, a world filled with judgement and ridicules. Maybe there is nothing we can do about it. We cannot change the way people think, we can only change our perspectives. But i just wanna let you guys know that it really isn't worth faking everything to satisfy the society. Satisfy yourself. Love yourself enough and stay true to that. Don't listen to all the bullshit this society is giving. Listen to yourself. With that, hope you guys had a great Christmas! Enjoy the last few days of the year before a new one begins! Goodnight!

Note to self: To be beautiful is to be YOURSELF. You don't need to be accepted by OTHERS. You need to accept YOURSELF. 

Signing off with a peekture of my favourite bear!^^

Monday 24 December 2012

First post!

Hey guys! So, christmas is coming! Have you done your shopping? Haha! I'll be spending my christmas at work!)): Ohh well, at least i get to spend it with my friends aye!;) I'm left with two more days at work. YAYERS! hahaha. its fun but its really tiring! currently working at sentosa! hahaha made really great friends there though! blahhhhh. school's starting and i haven't done any homework :/ off that topic. teehee.
here's some photos of me at work!^^


That's me!^^

My companions and i!:)

Come visit me at work okay! @ Sentosa, Imbiah station! come take photos with me! heehee! 

work aside, i bought a new bandana! i think it's really coooool!:) 

Tadaaaaaaa! ^^

hehehe. okayyy that's all for now! lalala. work tomorrow gotta sleep soon! 

Selca of my sissy and i! 

and my favourite polaroid for now! nights everyone!^^