Friday 28 December 2012


Hey there! Does anyone of you believe in fate? Well i do! I think whatever is meant to happen, will happen. If it doesn't, that it just wasn't meant to be.
Some people say that fate is in our own hands. Some people say that we cannot control our fate. Well i think its up to you to choose which to believe in. After all, the choices you make are your destiny.
I think fate has brought my friends and i together. Some stayed, some left and some just entered. We might not be always and forever together, but at least we were once that way. We will still remain friends, and the circle just keeps getting bigger.
Fate can also lead you to that special someone, your soulmate. A mate you will spend the rest of your life with. You might think the one in front of you now is the right one, but who knows? We cannot predict the future. You mever know when he/she might just leave and never come back. When that happens, then i guess you should know that it just wasn't meant to be. Don't be dejected though, cause there will definitely be something better on its way to you.
Fate also happens on things. For example, you go to a store and you see a really nice pair of boots. You cannot get it right away because you don't have the money. Once you've raised enough, you go back to the store only to find out that its sold out and won't be selling anymore. its sad isn't it? So you and that pair of boots just wasn't meant to be. So, save up the money and earn more, so that you can buy a prettier pair and is one of better quality. That way, it'd be worth it and it will stay with you for a longer time.
I think this theory or analogy can be applied to anything. Let fate do its job. Be patient. It will find you. If you're meant to meet, you will. Don't ever regret the choices you've made, because at one point in your life, those choices brought you happiness:)
Note to self: Fate will find a way. No matter how many coins you throw in a fountain or how many fingers you've crossed, if its not meant to happen, it won't happen.

Signing off with a peekture of my favourite beanie from my best friend:))

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