Saturday 29 December 2012


Hey people! so earlier today, i was thinking about what if i had super powers. hahaha wouldn't that be cool! I've always wanted to have psychic powers, or super speed, super strength or even the power to fly! what kind of powers do you guys wanna have? :P 
I've always wanted to have psychic powers because i want to know what people think of me, what they are thinking about when they are around me. that way i'd know if someone hates me or likes me. And like you can also know what the person wants and all, things would be so much easier wouldn't it? :) heehee. also, if someone was down, i'd have a way of cheering them up because i know what their thinking.
If i had super speed, i could travel through time! visit the past or take a look at my future. OMG i can even pass NAPFA with the best timing! teehee>< if i had super speed, i wouldn't have to wake up super early for school man. i could just run to school in less than a minute! i could sleep longer! woots~ too bad i don't having super speed... 
super strength would be fun but its quite dangerous aye. i'd probably break everything i touch:/ hmmm... better not have it. heehee. if i could fly, that'd be god for travelling too! fast and in the air! i'd rather have wings though. Wings are so pretty. especially if they're in black! big and black. how awesome would that be. 
Ohh well. too bad we live in a world where these kind of things don't happen. But i believe that somewhere in this world it exists! call me foolish but i don't care! teehee~ okay this topic is so random i don't even know what i'm talking about! shall end of here. good night people! 

signing off with a peekture of an apple which i bit into a heart! heheheh. my super power! kidding~ ^^

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