Thursday 27 December 2012

What does love mean?

Hey guys! So i was just wondering, what on earth love meant to me. Love is just a word until you can prove it to be a feeling. Love is just a word that many people use casually nowadays. Love is just a word with no definition in many eyes.
But no, that is not what love means to me. Those are the understandings of others, most people in fact.
To me, love is when you trust a person enough, to give him/her permission to break your heart, but trusting them that they won't. Love is a feeling that cannot be described with words and can only be felt with the heart. Love is accepting people for who they are, seeing their imperfections as perfections, taking their imperfections as beauty.
When you start to love someone, all you ever think about is that one special person. And when you do, nothing else in this world matters anymore. Everything revolves around him/her, and you'd always want to see that one person.
When you start to love, your world naturally becomes brighter and happier. You'll start smiling to yourself when you receive a text or think about that person. You'll blush when someone mentions about him/her. When you're with that one special person, the awkward silence between you two is more than enough, just knowing that he/she is right beside you. When you're with him/her and you'd randomly get butterflies in your tummy.
Love is such a beautiful thing, a passionate emotion, something that could bring the world happiness. Yet, some people choose not to believe in it because others have destroyed the meaning of love.
Love is a wonderful thing. I can't explain how it feels like to be in love. I guess you'll just have to feel it for yourself. But honestly, its one of the best feelings you can ever find in the world.

Note to self: One day someone will walk into your life, then you'll realize love was always worth waiting for.

Signing off with a peekture of the night view from MBS! Pretty, isn't it?:)

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